Young children are often eager to lend a hand in the kitchen. Sometimes letting them in feels like more trouble than it's worth and when you have a limited amount of time to get dinner on the table, this may be the last thing you want. Letting your child "help" will likely just slow you down, but it is important to let them into the kitchen.
Is Your Child Getting Enough Iron?
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems in children. Do you know if your child is getting enough?
Is Cereal the Best First Food for your Baby?
Rice cereal is the most common first food recommended by doctors and pediatricians and is widely accepted as the norm when introducing solid foods to a baby.
Baby Led Weaning
The concept of Baby Led Weaning (often referred to as BLW) is not new, nor is it a fad, but you may be hearing more about it these days.
Raising Vegetarian Children
Have you chosen to live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and want your children to be a part of that? Or perhaps you are not a vegetarian, but your child has declared themselves to be one.
5 Important Nutritional Supplements to take during Pregnancy
We all strive for the healthiest pregnancy possible and do our best to eat a nutritious diet.
Dealing with Picky Eaters
One of our important roles as parents is to help our children develop healthy eating habits. This can often be challenging when dealing with a picky eater, but a great way to start is by creating a positive mealtime environment.
How To Get Your Kids to Eat More Veggies (part 1)
There is so much talk about picky eaters these days, you would think it was an epidemic.
How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Veggies (part 2)
In the first part of this series, I asked the question - are kids really pickier than they were when we were growing up? I don't think picky eating is a new issue.
Organic on a Budget
More and more people are seeing the value in going organic. When you think about it, who wouldn't want to buy organic food?