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What's New

Jul 2018

Using Food as a Reward

In my practice as a Kids’ Nutritionist, helping families eliminate mealtime battles is something that I do on a daily basis. A common challe...

Jun 2018

Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein?

One of the top concerns for parents is often - is my child getting enough protein?  This can be a particular concern for picky eaters a...

May 2018

Why Your Child May Not Be Eating At School

Opening up your child’s lunchbox at the end of the day only to discover that they have eaten little to none of what you thoughtfully prepare...

Apr 2018

5 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Picky Eater

As parents, we all make mistakes. Every parent loves their child and wants them to be nourished. Parents can be thoughtful and well intent...

News 6


Usually you live with your host and are expected to join in and cooperate with the day to day activities. In most countries the exchange is based on 4-6 hours help-fair exchange for a full day’s food and accommodation.


If you have a farm, smallholding, garden, allotment, vineyard or woodland and follow organic or sustainability principles, you might consider opening your home to WWOOFers.

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