Kids Nutrition | Toronto Nutritionist | Table

Try Something New Chart

Try something new chart - imageUse the download link below and print out as many copies as you need.  I highly recommend printing in colour.

How to use the chart:

» Each time a new food is tried, record it in one of the spaces below. Receive a reward after ten new foods are tried. There is no time limit in place for achieving this goal and the child should not be pressured into trying a food they are not ready for.

» Prior to the start of each column, decide on the reward* for your child if they achieve the goal. Choose something that will be a strong motivator for them to complete the chart.

* Make sure this is a non-food reward. 

→ Download your FREE Try Something New Chart ←

Have you had great results using this chart? 
If so, please
share your experiences with Aviva.

5 Important Nutritional Supplements to take during Pregnancy


pregnantwomanWe all strive for the healthiest pregnancy possible and do our best to eat a nutritious diet.  There are many factors, however, that can make this a challenge including lack of time, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and food aversions, to name a few.  Nutritional supplements can often help fill the gaps but making sure you are taking the right ones at the right times is essential.  As a nutritionist, I recommend that my clients try to get their nutrients from food as much as possible, but there are certain nutrients that can be more difficult to get from diet alone.

Here are 5 important nutrients that you (and your baby) may benefit from supplementing with*:

Folic Acid

What is it for: Prevention of fetal neural tube defects.
When to take: Prior to conception and during the first trimester.
How to take: With food.
What to look for: Folic acid that also contains vitamin B12 (liquid or chewable is better absorbed).


What is it for: Prevention of iron deficiency or depleted iron stores which can lead to fatigue, lowered resistance to infection or anemia.
When to take: There is an increase in blood volume starting in the second trimester and it is very hard to raise ferritin levels (iron stores) at this point.  It is therefore ideal to start supplementing in the first trimester.  Some women can experience nausea from iron supplements. Try taking with food and in the evening,  instead of in the morning.
How to take: Away from calcium supplements, antacids, dairy products, coffee/tea as these will inhibit iron absorption. Take with vitamin C to increase absorption (either in supplement form or food sources).
What to look for: Highly absorbable iron supplements such as Floradix tend to be easier on the digestive system (less likely to cause nausea or constipation compared to other forms of iron).

DHA (omega 3 fatty acids)

What is it for: Proper brain development of the baby.  Also reduces risk of postpartum depression.  Hard to get from diet, especially if you are avoiding fish due to pregnancy related aversions or high levels of toxins in most of the fish rich in omega 3 fats. 
When to take: Most important in 3rd trimester and while breastfeeding.
How to take: With food.
What to look for: DHA from fish oils are absorbed well, or vegetarian formulas which contain oils from plant algae. Look for high quality brands that do independent testing for heavy metals and other toxins. Liquid form is better absorbed and ideal if you have trouble swallowing large pills. However, if you are experiencing nausea or sensitivity to smells, you may prefer capsules rather than liquid.


What is it for: Beneficial bacteria that is essential for immune and digestive health.
When to take: Helpful throughout the pregnancy, particularly if you have a weak digestive system, are prone to UTI's or yeast infections or have recently taken antibiotics.  Especially helpful in the third trimester if you plan to have a vaginal delivery, to help the baby build a strong immune system and reduce the risk of allergies.
How to take: With food (during a meal or shortly after).
What to look for: High quality formulas that contain human strains of probiotics, including Lactobacillus Acidophilus.  Look for a refrigerated product that contains at least 3-5 billion CFU.

Vitamin D

What is it for: Great for the immune system, moods, improved absorption of calcium.
When to take: During the months of October-April, or year-round if you wear sunblock during the warmer months.
How to take: Take daily w/ food.
What to look for: Liquid form is easy to take.  Vitamin D in the form of D3 is better absorbed than D2.

* Always consult your doctor or midwife before starting any supplements during your pregnancy.   For information on specific dosages, speak with a qualified healthcare practitioner for recommendations specific to your needs.

Aviva Allen, RHN is a Toronto nutritionist specializing in prenatal, infant and child nutrition. Click here for more information about Prenatal Nutritional Consultations.

Nutritional Counselling

Nutritional Counselling Services  Fees

Aviva offers nutritional counselling for pregnancy, infants, children and families. Aviva can help with specific nutritional concerns such as prenatal nutrition, introducing solids, picky eaters, digestive issues, food sensitivities, healthy weight and vegetarian nutrition, as well offering consultations for adults interested in healthy eating for themselves and their families.


Nutritional consultations & fees:

Introducing Solids Consultation

Fee- $ 175 

Everyone seems to have a different opinion about how to introduce solids, including every doctor/pediatrician, your mother, your friends - even complete strangers. As a nutritionist and mother of two young kids, Aviva can help you answer these questions and guide YOU to make the best choices for your baby and your family.

Click here for more information

Prenatal Consultation

Fee: $ 175 *Packages of 3 sessions are also available

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is essential to ensuring both the mother and the baby's good health. As a nutritionist and mother of two children, Aviva can help you cope with nausea and other discomforts of pregnancy, address your nutritional concerns and guide you to make the best choices for you and your baby.

Click here for more information

Infant/Child Consultation

Fees: Infant- $ 175; Child - $ 250

Parents come to Aviva for help with many different concerns regarding their child's health, including colic, gas, constipation, frequent colds, ear infections, weight concerns, food sensitivities, vegetarian nutrition and picky eaters. Whatever the concern, Aviva can help you address them through dietary modifications and child-appropriate nutritional supplements.

Adult Consultation

Fee: $ 250

Whether you are looking to address specific health or nutrition concerns or simply want to improve your eating habits, Aviva can help by customizing a plan that fits your individual needs.

Click here for more information

Follow-up Sessions (all ages/stages)

Fee: $ 150 

The frequency of follow up sessions will vary based on each individual and their specific needs. Aviva will suggest an appropriate follow up schedule for you after your initial consultation.


Nutritional consultations take place via phone and Skype only.

Food Sensitivities

Whether your child has a wheat/gluten sensitivity, dairy allergy,
lactose intolerance or any other food sensitivity, Aviva can help!

Often children who have had food sensitivity testing done, receive a long list of foods to avoid, which can be very overwhelming for both the child and the parents. What Aviva does is try to take the focus away from the foods you are cutting out and focus instead on what your child can eat.

Symptoms that could indicate a food sensitivity include: Skin rashes (especially around the mouth or on the bum), eczema, hives, headaches, fatigue, runny/stuffy nose, recurring ear infections, hyperactivity or other behavioural changes and digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating or abdominal pain.

Common foods that children may be sensitive to include: Cow's milk, egg, soy, corn, wheat, gluten, sugar, tomato, orange, strawberry, shellfish, nuts as well as artificial colours and flavours and preservatives.

If your child is experiencing signs of a food sensitivity but you are unsure
specifically which food (or foods) may be the culprit, Aviva can help you get to the bottom of it. 

Nutritionist Fees:

Initial Consultation - $250 

Follow up sessions - $150